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1- Hard Rod Plus 12 capsules x 500 mg One Month Supply
1- Hard Rod Plus 12 capsules x 500 mg One Month Supply

1- Hard Rod Plus 12 capsules x 500 mg One Month Supply

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: 1-Hard Rod Plus
Introducing the easiest way to turbocharge your libido into overdrive in just 60 minutes...Improve Your Sexual Stamina
On sale: $45.28
Retail Price:$69.90
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Hard Rod Plus 12 capsules x 500 mg 

100% NATURAL Erectile Dysfunction Cure Your Doctors
NEVER Tell You About. "
Hard Rod Plus
" Advanced Nutraceutical Discovery Drug Manufacturers Hope
You Will NEVER Find Out! "
Introducing the easiest way to turbocharge your libido into overdrive in just 60 minutes...give you sex stamina of teenage years... harder & longer lasting erection...prolong your sexual performance and enable you to make love like a supe man...without the damaging side effects of Viagra or any other drugs!
" Feel YOUNG, HEALTHY, VIBRANT & CONFIDENT All Day, Everyday....Again! "
The Ultimate Solution to these embarrassing sexual problems...
- Soft Erection or can't even penetrate
- Can't get an erection or sustain an erection?
- Low sexual interest while your partner is in the "mood"
- Ejaculate before your partner reach orgasm
- Unable to satisfy your partner the way SHE WANTS it?
WARNING : If you're having one or more of the above symptoms, you may be suffering from Erectile Dysfunction
which has affected millions of American. If nothing is done to restore your sexual health, then be prepared to Never Have Sex Again!!!
Are you annoyed by low sexual drive, soft erection, unable to perform satisfactory in bed, low libido & sex drive?...
If you do, don't worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!. I know how you feel. Having problems like these can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and loss of confidence and will ultimately affect the quality of your life.
With your permission, I'm going to expose to you the most important and exciting breakthroughs in male sexual health.
…News of this breakthrough is spreading like wildfire among men in every age group…
…In fact, this breakthrough is so radical, it even astonished the doctors and sex experts who discovered it!…
…If you're annoyed by low sexual drive, soft erection, unable to perform satisfactory in bed, low libido &sex drive...
…then you simply MUST KNOW about this breakthrough discovery that's helping folks with the problems you're facing right now!:Believe me, if you're looking for a solution to the above problems and want to...
- Get rock hard erection as and when you need it
- Turbocharge your libido and extend your sexual experience
- Achieve the most intense & satisfying orgasms possible
- Allow your partner to reach orgasm/multiple orgasm before you do or last as long as you want...
- Satisfy her the way SHE desires
- Be a SEX GOD.
...Then you have come to the right place.
Hard Rod Plus™... The Mother Earth's Ultimate Solution To All Your Sexual Problems That All The Goodness Of Nature Can Provide.

1) Turbocharge Your Libido Instantly
Hard Rod Plus™ kicks your libido into overdrive within minutes! (No form of external stimulation. You don't even have to think 'dirty' for it to work. ) .
You'll respond quickly and easily to stimulation; when aroused, you'll be there, ready, willing, able and focused.

2) Improve Your Sexual Stamina & Prolong Your Sexual performance
Hard Rod Plus™ energizes you so that you can go on like a raging bull without the need for taking a break. Your energy level will increase, allowing for extended performance. You'll feel this effect during sports, too.

3) Give You Rock Hard Erection As and When You Need It...
Hard Rod Plus™ pumps so much fresh 'juice' into your erections, desire and performance, you'll be wondering where that extra 'inch' came from.
Your erections will be stronger, thicker and harder because Hard Rod Plus™ maximizes the blood flow to your penis; you'll have harder hard-ons for real penetration during intercourse.
Your erections will remain rock-hard and ready for much longer than usual - often after your first ejaculation - and sometimes even all night.

4) Achieve The Most Intense & Satisfying Orgasms Possible
Hard Rod Plus™ gives you solid steel erections, and doesn't let up. You'll perform like a stud, in spite of yourself. Your orgasms will be stronger and much more satisfying. The volume of your seminal emissions will increase, giving you more satisfaction when you ejaculate.

5) Promote Blood Circulation
Promote a smoother and more efficient blood flow, helping to reduce blood stasis, throughout your body but especially to your groin and genitals.
Hard Rod Plus™ will continue to enhance the length, thickness and hardness of your erections. Stronger blood flow to your penis means more expansion of the corpora cavernosa (the "spongy" tissue that absorbs blood to create an erection). The longer you take Hard Rod Plus™, the more benefit from this you'll see.

6) Increase Your Semen Volume
This means a larger volume of ejaculate when you experience orgasm. For many men, the volume of their ejaculations (amount of "cum" when they cum) relates directly to the satisfaction they experience in orgasm. Again, this is a result that can build steadily over time.

7) Increase Testosterone
Increase your body's levels of free testosterone, a male hormone associated with libido, stamina and performance.

8) Improve Oxygen Flow To your Body
Hard Rod Plus™ help to improve oxygen flow to your brain and other organs. This can increase mental acuity, energy and stamina. Hard Rod Plus™ also help to relieve pain, promote new tissue growth, strengthen muscles and tendons. Anecdotally, reduce the levels of at least one other hormone that inhibits sex and enhance your immune system.

9) No Nasty Side Effects

#1 Ingredients :- Tongkat Ali
Tongkat Ali / Eurycoma Longofolia Extract (The Ultimate Male Sex herb traditionally consumed in Malaysia, Indonesia) - The KING of male aphrodisiacs. Improves Blood flow, sexual energy, desire and sexual performance. Increases testosterone levels by up to 400% naturally.
Apart from yohimbe (which is now recognized to have potentially serious side effects), Tongkat Ali is the only herbal medication that has been scientifically proven to work as an aphrodisiac.
You can easily check this for yourself at Medline, the huge database of scientific medical articles. To gain free access to Medline, go to www.infotrieve.com, click the Medline link in the left sidebar and type "eurycoma" and "longifolia" into the data fields.
In its wide range of uses, Tongkat Ali is similar to ginseng. However, Tongkat Ali's power to enhance testosterone levels is far greater than that of ginseng. Genuine Tongkat Ali extract, in a sufficient dosage, works beautifully to boost levels of free testosterone, and thereby enhances libido and sexual function much more naturally than yohimbe.

#2 Ingredients :- Cynomorium Songaricum
Cynomorium is known in Chinese as suoyang, which is based on the herb's medicinal effects, "locking the yang." It is obtained mainly from the East Asian species, Cynomorium songaricum, though the similar C. coccineum is sometimes utilized as a substitute. .
The plant harvested for Chinese medicine grows at high altitude, mainly in Inner Mongolia, Qinghai, Gansu, and Tibet. Songaria Cynomorium Herb is the dried fleshy stem of Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. (Fam. Cynomoiaceae).
It is used to tonify the yang (treat impotence and backache), strengthen the tendons, and nourish the blood to alleviate the blood-deficiency type of constipation (typically occurring with old age), Relieve aching and weakness of loins and knees and treat sexual problems (spermatorrhea)

#3 Ingredients :- Horny Goat Weed
Horny Goat Weed (Penis Enlargement & Premature Ejaculation pills ingredient) - Also known as Epimedium Sagittatum Extract. A Chinese herb often referred to as a "Yang tonic". This herb produces a warm, almost euphoric effect on the body. Epimedium is commonly used as an aphrodisiac and aids in relieving sexual dysfunction.
Horny goat weed is one of the most valued tonics of Chinese herbalism. In China it is especially used for supporting healthy sexual activity - thus its name, Horny Goat Weed. This Horny Goat Weed supplement has epimedium extract (standardized to 10% flavonoids as icariin).

#4 Ingredients :- Tribulus Terrestris
Tribulus Terrestris, also called "puncture vine" is a plant long used around the world for the treatment of various ailments. It is widely acknowledged to improve sexual function in humans.
One rodent study found the herb to be helpful as a sex booster. Sexual behavior and intracavernous pressure (ICP) were studied in both normal and castrated rats to further understand the role of tribulus as an aphrodisiac. ICP refers to blood flow into the corpus cavernosa of the penis.
Adult rats were divided into groups of 8 each that included distilled water treated (normal and castrated), testosterone treated (normal and castrated) and Tribulus treated (castrated).
Compared to the castrated control, treatment of castrated rats (with either testosterone or Tribulus extract) showed increase in prostate weight and ICP. There was also a mild to moderate improvement in sexual behavior as evidenced by an increase in mounting frequency.
Tribulus Terrestris works by relaxing smooth muscles and increasing blood flow into the corpus cavernosa. The relaxant effect observed is probably due to the increase in the release of nitric oxide from the endothelium and nerve endings, which helps to increase testosterone production and enhance erection.

#5 Ingredients :- Smilax Myosotiflora
Smilax myosotiflora or 'Ubi Jaga' (UJ) is a native herb traditionally used by indigenous folk for its aphrodisiac effects. Ubi Jaga is a creeper plant that grown wild in the tropical forest in South East Asia. It improves blood circulation. It is traditionally used as one of herbal medicine to strengthen male energy, as a general tonic, and to increase body metabolism.
As you're reading this, I think you do realize that Hard Rod Plus™ really does contain an incredible blend that helps intensify sexual desire, increase sensitivity, strengthen erections, and enable men of all ages to enjoy more frequent, and longer lasting sex.
Plus, there are also the effects of mood stabilization, promotion of healthy blood pressure levels, and energy level support; all of which contribute in a major way to great performance between the sheets.
So, unless you've been living in some cave, you'd know that the efficacy of these ancient remedies have been so impressive they've now gotten the attention of mainstream medical science.

#6 Ingredients :- Butea Superba
Butea Superba

#7 Ingredients :- Diascoris Bulbifera
Diascoria Bulbifera or 'Virahi Kand', a plant species found in the Himalayas, not only resembles human testicles but also contains hormonal contents similar to testosterone.
If this is not enough, the medicinal formulation made from the herb was described as 'Shukral' and 'Vajikaran' a property which improves the quality of human semen in Ayurvedic books.


Divorced man dates again
"After my divorce, I began dating again. But can you imaging it, every time I ‘GOT LUCKY’, the whole thing fell flat and I just could not perform. 
Exercise helped a little but I just was not the man I used to be. Things were going from bad to worse and I even stopped dating because I was so anxious. 
This thing has been going on for almost 2 years now. Eventually a social friend told me about ‘Hard Rod Plus ’ and I thought to myself ‘what have I got to lose?’. 
Two weeks later, I just can’t get enough of it."
David Sullen, 56 years old
Houston, TX

ED gone first time & start weight lifting at 54
"I have suffered from premature ejaculation my entire life. It affected my relationship with my partner who is in her early 40s (they called it ‘the tigeress years’).
 Although my partner did not complain about our sex life, I feel very embarrassed and I have been trying to find a natural solution for my problem without drugs.
 I was introduced to ‘Hard Rod Plus’ by my friend has benefited immensely from Hard Rod Plus. He is always being honest and true to his word. 
To my surprise,I experienced amazing results the first time I consumed Hard Rod Plus. Man, this stuff really works!!! 
ED is a thing of past and my energy level was so high I even started to do weight lifting, can you believe it?"
Andy Wesley, 54 years old

Heart problems patient regain rock hard erection
"I am 57 years old with heart problem ( undergone angioplasty 2 years ago ). I suffer ED due to circulation problems. I was taking Viagra, but was growing concerned about the inconsistent performance and minor side effects. Being somewhat skeptical of your Hard Rod Plus, I purchased two packs of Hard Rod Plus. Well... and much to my wife's pleasure... I was able to perform sexually just like 20 years ago when I used Hard Rod Plus. 
One very notable aspect of Hard Rod Plus is it arouses my interest in sex, i.e. my sexual drive is more like when I was in my 20s than as a 50 year old man."
Michael Leighton

Simply the best.
"After approximately 3 pills, I know that your Hard Rod Plus is just the BEST. Your many claims to its effectiveness is most evident to me in my overall Sexual performance. 
Rock hard erection, prolonged sexual stamina, bigger penis, no more pre-ejaculation, etc. WOW, and THANKS."
Steve Warren
Hallandale Beach, FL

For best results, dosage:
Take one tablet for first 3 days, then one tablet every 3 to 4 days.
To be taken after meals.                                                                

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