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Here few signs your liver is dying.

Here few signs your liver is dying.

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body, but it can take a beating over the years... 

 1. Jaundice 

A condition known as jaundice occurs when waste builds up in our bodies and bile pigment flows into our bloodstream. 

 2. Diarrhea 

Can be a very common issue related to liver problems. Realistically, whenever if you have loose bowel movements, they should not be ignored. 

 3. Throwing up regularly

 Will make it far more difficult for our bodies to process foods and liquids when our liver failing. This will create unbelievable stress in our digestive systems. Along with the pain, it will make our stomach feel sick and swollen. Eventually, you will be throwing up on a daily basis. 

 4. Appetite can change 

If your liver is struggling, you’ll lose your appetite or can change, if you’re eating a normal amount but your weight is noticeably decreasing, you should still consult with a physician. 

 5. Dark urine 

If your urine is dark and stools are lighter than normal, you should seek medical attention. Dark urine may exist for a variety of reasons, but liver damage could be potentially one. 

 6. Bloated ankles 

When there’s a problem with the liver, heart or kidney, gravity causes fluid to build up in the lower extremities of the body, like the feet. 

 7. Strange bruises 

Proteins are very needed for blood clots are produced in the liver. So, when the liver is in trouble, protein levels can decrease dramaticky, making bruising and bleeding more frequent. 

 8. Belly pain 

If the pain stems from only your right ribs, you should consider a consultation with your doctor. This pain could be coming from your liver. 

 9. Right shoulder pain 

As you might not be expecting, pain in your right shoulder can be from liver problems. This is usually the case when cancer is in the liver and a tumor is growing. When the tumor increases in mass, it creates immense pressure on surrounding nerves. If the pain is related to your liver, you might also get hiccups easily by putting pressure on your stomach. 

 10. Intense exhaustion Feel drained every day at an abnormal rate, you would be dealing with liver problems. As waste builds up in your liver, it leads to lower oxygen levels, leaving you feeling tired all mostly of the time.

 11. Changing personality 

More toxins build up in your bloodstream, thus flowing to our brain. This makes it very difficult to concentrate and we have issues remembering things. There could also be rapid changes in sleeping habits. 

 In Good Health  


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