Prostate gland is a unique male organ. It is the largest auxiliary gland from the male reproductive organ. Due to the production of testosterone hormone from the testicles after a male enters the pubic period, the prostate gland starts to grow and function.
By 30 years old, the gland grows to a stable size, and after 45 years old, if the gland size is not growing, the prostate gland cells shall shrink, and the size also reduce.
The function of prostate gland are as follows;
a. Forming the urine prostate region, controlling the urination
b. Transporting the content from semen vesicles and product of gland tube to the urine
c. Producing prostate fluid
In an adult, the prostate gland size is comparable to a nut, with diameter around 3-4cm, and weights around 20g.
If the prostate gland has not been placed under proper care, it may grow as the male gets older, and affect the urination process, causing many males to have sexual problems, such as pain during ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, blood in semen & etc.
The Causes of Prostate Enlargement
The size of the prostate gland is as big as a chestnut, linked together with urinary bladder, rectum, genital part and urinary tract. There are also 15-30 prostate gland excretion which is linked to the urinary tract.
Bacteria would not only infect through blood, but also though the lymph nodes of urinary bladder and urinary tract. Bacteria also can spread from the prostate excretion tube to the prostate glands which end up causing acute or chronic prostate inflammation and benign.
Most causes of prostate enlargement are due to one or more of the following...
- Male hormone imbalance
- Family history
- Toxins or heavy metal pollution
- Aging
- Unhealthy eating habits i.e smoking & alcohol drinking
- Other diseases