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3-Beyond Silver Liquid 59ml/2oz Bottles Dropper
3-Beyond Silver Liquid 59ml/2oz Bottles Dropper

3-Beyond Silver Liquid 59ml/2oz Bottles Dropper

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: 3-Beyond Silver Liquid 59ml/2oz
Beyond Silver comes in two forms: a liquid for daily internal use and a gel for easy topical application. It provides immune system support to athletes, travelers, people in high-risk infectious environments, and to all members of the family within daily life. Beyond Silver is a safe antimicrobial with stunning benefits that changes lives.
Your Price: $65.49
Retail Price:$95.99
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3-Beyond Silver Liquid 59ml/2oz Bottles Dropper
Beyond Silver provides ideal access to silver’s health benefits as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial.
It is a quantum leap in silver technology beyond simple colloidal silvers or silver hydrosols.

Beyond Silver comes in two forms: a liquid for daily internal use and a gel for easy topical application. It provides immune system support to athletes, travelers, people in high-risk infectious environments, and to all members of the family within daily life.
Beyond Silver is a safe antimicrobial with stunning benefits that changes lives.

People who are dealing with infection or bacteria within the body may benefit by taking a colloidal silver product. Beyond Silver combines water and low-alkaline silver which works with cells in the body to prevent viruses and bacteria increase through cellular respiration.

Whether consumers are looking for a way to reduce their HIV symptoms or are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome regular use of Beyond Silver may offer some benefit.
Beyond Silver’s liquid structured silver can be used in many ways, but the most commonly suggested use is to “drink two teaspoons, twice per day.”

Please read below to learn more about Beyond Silver by Reset Cells a how to purchase a bottle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the suggested use?
Beyond Silver can be taken orally (internally) or topically (applied to skin or a wound.)
For oral use, the label states, “Adult: 2 teaspoons 2 times per day.” We suggest holding or lightly swishing the liquid in the mouth for 3-5 minutes before swallowing.
For topical use, soak the area several times daily or maintain contact via a gauze or similar tool. Sprayers, misters, and other application tools can be helpful depending on the intended use.
Beyond Silver gel has this recommended use, “Used as an antimicrobial to help treat minor skin wounds, burns, infections and affections. Topical.”

For additional questions and concerns, please speak with your trusted health professional.

How big is the bottle?
Beyond Silver bottles are 473 ml (16 fluid ounces.)

How long does a bottle last?
Each bottle contains 96 teaspoons, or 48 servings of 2 teaspoons. If taken twice daily (“two teaspoons twice a day”), each bottle contains 24 days of servings for one person over 75 lbs. For a person under 75 lbs and a serving size of only 1 teaspoon taken twice daily, each bottle contains 48 days of servings.

How big is the gel?
Beyond Silver gel containers hold 56 ml (2 fl. oz.) within a contamination-proof pump.

Are there Natural Product Numbers for Beyond Silver?
Our liquid has Health Canada registration as NPN 80073192. Our gel has registration as NPN 80096179.

How does Beyond Silver compare with other silver products?
We do not specifically comment about other products’ characteristics, safety, or efficacy.

Storage requirements?
We recommend storage at room temperature out of direct sunlight.

What if it has frozen?
Beyond Silver is effective even after freezing. Simply allow the contents of the container to thaw at room temperature and then apply normally.

What about my specific health situation?
Please check with your health care provider for personalized health advice. We cannot answer specific health questions by phone or email. There are many great doctors, naturopaths, and other health care providers available – go find one!

Can I order directly online?
Beyond Silver is available at: www.amazonasnaturaltreatments.com

What if I don’t live in Canada?
For people in the United States, similar structured silver products can be found here:   Silver’s organic aloe vera. www.amazonasnaturaltreatments.com

What if my local health food store doesn’t carry Beyond Silver?
Let them know about Beyond Silver and how silver technology has changed from “just silver” to structured silver. Many retailers are still under the impression that 1990’s technology (silver aquasol; silver hydrosol) is the leading form of silver. Ask them to call us so they can help bring structured silver to your community.

Beyond Silver is available to individually-approved health food stores, pharmacies, and healthcare providers throughout Canada.
For oral use, the label states, “Adult: 2 teaspoons 2 times per day.” We suggest holding or lightly swishing the liquid in the mouth for 3-5 minutes before swallowing

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