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1 - Liver Dtox Plus™60 Capsules

1 - Liver Dtox Plus™60 Capsules

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: Liver Dtox Plus
The New Liver Disease Therapy
On sale: $39.28
Retail Price:$49.99
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 The New Liver Disease Therapy!    60 Capsules


Combining The Nature's Most Powerful Ingredients That Undo Years Of Damaging Effects Of Alcohol, RX Drugs & Unhealthy Diets, 
Revitalize & Cleanse Your Overworked Liver In Mere Days Naturally...All Without The Devastating Side Effects Of Drugs! 

From: Adam Woods
Fremont, California
Saturday, July 26, 2014

What Your Overworked Liver Is Dying To Tell You!

Your liver is a brownish-red organ situated in the right side of your abdomen. It’s the largest gland in the body. 
(A gland is any organ or group of cells that secretes some substance). The substance the liver secretes is called bile and bile helps with 
the digestion
of some fats and with the processing of nutrients. 

The liver also detoxifies the blood and helps to keep our chemical levels balanced and regulated. 
Signs of liver problems or disease can be quite distinct. Many of these signs are evident by simple observation while others can be detected only by test. 
The truth is,millions of men in United States alone are suffering from some form of liver problems. 
If you're looking for a natural solution to your liver problems…then you simply MUST KNOW about this breakthrough discovery that's helping folks with the problems you're facing right now...Allow me to introduce to you to a revolutionary new formula that helps to revitalize your health again..... 

Announcing Liver Dtox Plus™ - The All-Natural Solution For Optimal Liver Health.... 

Outperforms All Drugs Known To Science!"  
All without the dangers of prescription drugs! 
Liver Dtox Plus™ is specially designed to unleash optimum nutrients to help revitalize and revive your overworked liver within days.
Liver Dtox Plusx™ contains ingredients that are ingredients that are carefully selected to ensure that your liver will enjoy the best benefits possible for general well being and function. 
The way to a healthy life is through a healthy liver! 
When your liver is functioning well, you can finally: 

  • Maintain healthy cholesterol 
  • Promote healthy weight loss  
  • Maintain balanced blood sugar levels 
  • Experience better digestion! 
  • Experience higher energy—no more morning or afternoon “crashes” 
  • Efficiently filter out toxins that clog up cells! 
  • Support a sharp memory 
  • Fight off accelerated aging! 

Why Liver Dtox Plus is so effective?...
That's because Liver Dtox Plus™ contains the following amazing ingredients… 

Liver Dtox Plus™ Ingredients 
1. Radix Parkia Speciosa Root: Parkia speciosa is a plant of the genus Parkia in the family Fabaceae. 
It bears long, flat edible beans with bright green seeds the size and shape of plump almonds which have a rather peculiar smell, characterised by some as being similar to that added to methane gas. Some of Cordyceps medicinal efficacies are:

  •          Blood cleansing,
  •          Detoxify our body
  •          Relief constipation
  •          Enhances beauty,
  •          Diminish inflammation,
  •          Cures cough and asthma,
  •          Improve vitality,
  •          Enhance metabolism,

2. Semen Arecae Nut; is bitter and pungent in flavour, warm in nature, acting on the spleen, stomach and large intestine channels. 
It has the effects of expelling and killing many kinds of intestinal parasites, and a laxative effect to excrete parasites from intestine. 
Being pungent for dispersing and bitter for lowering, it can promote circulation of Qi and induce diuresis to treat food retention, 
abdominal distention and watery distention

  •          Cleanse colon,
  •          Promote circulation of Qi,
  •          Relief constipation and indigestion
  •          Enhances skin complexes,
  •          Enhance Metabolism,
  •          Expel tapeworm

3. Radix Glycyrrhizae ( Lycorice Root) ;  Licorice root has an impressive list of well documented uses and is probably one of the 
most over-looked of all herbal remedies. It is used for many ailments including asthma, athlete's foot, baldness, body odour, bursitis, 
canker sores, chronic fatigue, depression, colds and flu, coughs, dandruff, emphysema, gingivitis and tooth decay, gout, heartburn, HIV, 
viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, Lyme disease, menopause, psoriasis, shingles, sore throat, tendinitis, 
tuberculosis, ulcers, yeast infections, prostate enlargement and arthritis

  •          Improve Blood Circulation,
  •          Relieve asthma,
  •          Anti-Bacteria,
  •          Improves Sleep,
  •          Anti-Virus,
  •          Anti-Inflammation,
  •          Anti-Allergy,
  •          Anti-Oxidant and Anti-aging.

4. Dried Guava; Guava is a tropical fruit that is like the shape of pear, with green rind and pinkish or white flesh and small seeds. 
Some people say Guava is better than orange because guava contain more Vitamin C than orange and guava is a lot cheaper than orange.

  •          Prolonged menstruation,
  •          Reduce High blood pressure,
  •          Improve blood circulation,
  •          Strengthen heart,
  •          Relieve congestion of lung,
  •          Relieve asthma,
  •          Anti-Allergy,
  •          Anti-Oxidant and Anti-aging.

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